Open Arms of Minnesota

2015 Donors

Open Arms acknowledges and thanks the following donors for their gifts from January 1 to December 31, 2015. Please accept our apology if your name was inadvertently omitted and let us know.

Rebecca Aanning
Joyce Aarsvold
John Abdo
Betsy Abramson
Kenneth and Shari Abt
Melissa Acedera
Helen Ackerman
Sandy Ackerman
John and Judith Adams
Tanya Adams
Vanessa Adams
Nicholas Adelman
Elizabeth Adinolfi
Advance Consulting LLC
Kamal Aggarwal
AgriBank, FCB
Anna Ahlgren
James J. Ahmann
Ahman Airitam
Audrey Akin
Greg Albrecht
Nancy Albrecht
Ryan Albrecht
Susan J. Albrecht and Nancy Desmond
Dan and Carina Aleckson
Kelly Alexander
Ryan Alexander
Tasha Alexander and Manuel Potts
Aaron and Berit Allar
Sally Allen
Tina Allenburg
Alliance Bernstein
Allina Health System
Janet Allinson
Sally and Adrian Almquist
Paulette Almsted
Orrin Alt
Joseph Alvarado
Julian Alvarez and Dan Wellik
Lorie Alveshere Sommer
Channa and Chandrani Alwis
Amazon Smile
Elisabeth Amirahmadi
Jennifer Ampulski
Shannon Anderberg
Jeralynn Andersen
Amy Anderson
Daniel Anderson
Debra Anderson
Glenna Anderson
Jackie and Roy Anderson
Janelle Anderson
Janet and Dean Anderson
Karen Anderson
Karmen Anderson
Karri Anderson
Keith and Karla Anderson
Laurie and Craig Anderson
Lee Anderson and William Fehrenbach
Martina Anderson and Andrew Seligsohn
Matthew Anderson
Michael Anderson and Katie Peacock
Mike Anderson
Nancy Anderson
Ryan Anderson
Suzanne Anderson
Tal Anderson
Todd and Janet Anderson
Jon Andress
Veronica Villalobos-Andrew and Richard K. Andrew
Jeffrey Andrews and Donald LaMere
Judy Andrews
Melissa Andrykowski and Brad Turner
George Anhorn
Jeffrey Ansite
Douglas Antony
Tracy and Karen Appelbaum
Michelle Appell
Hannah Appleton
Jeannette Appold
Janet Arai
Donald Arbour
Kenneth Arcand
Lawrence Archbold
Ardel Engineering and Manufacturing Inc
Stephanie Armstrong
Laura and Marcus Arneson
Paul and Sue Arneson
Valerie Arneson
Collin Arnett
Cheryl Arnold
David Arnold
James and Mary Arnold
Ralph and Jane Arnott
Carole Arwidson
Darlene Arwidson
Sigbritt Arwidson
Kathy Ashe
Kimberly Asher
Livia Asher
Richard and Susan Asinger
Tina Askenas
Atonement Lutheran Church
Philip Auclaire and Diana Boegemann
Mike Augustyniak
AutoUplink Tech
Dan Avchen and David Johnson
Dennis Avery
Susan Bach
Donna Bachman and Christina Mills
Patrick Backen
Elisabeth Backstrom
Rodney Bacon and Tim Gluszak
Scott and Kerry Bader
Todd Bagby
Jennifer and Paul Bagdade
Kim Baham
Michael Bahr
Arthur and Betty Nan Bailey
Jacqueline Bailey and Brien Miller
Kate Bailey
Ambareesh Bajpai
Briana Baker
Cherie Baker
Douglas and Carole Baker
Russell Baker
Hanna Bakke
Bakken Photography
Barb Bakken
Dave and Sarah Balestri
Lori Balestri
Allison Balfanz
Ryan Ballbach
Donovan Balliet
Borislav and Pamela Banjac
Linda Banks
Mary Baratta
Jack L. Barber
Nancy Bares
Mark and Karen Baril
Kari Barker
Kent and Pat Barker
Sabine and Dudley Barksdale
Christopher Barnes
Daniel M. Barnes and Elaine Wilson
Gretchen I. Barnes
Erin Barnes-Driscoll
Robert Barni
Mel Barr
Anne Barry
Sharon Bartels
John and Rebecca Bartlett
Scott and Amy Barvir
Nicole Bash
Pauline M. Bassett
Mindy Batcheller
Sarah I. Bates
Cyrus and Rebecca Batheja
Baton Investing
Kirsten and Troy Bauer
Roxanne Bauer
Kelly Bauernfeind
Dana Baumann
Mark L. Baumgartner and Paul D. Olson
Byron Baune
Ami Baxter
Denise Baxter
Ellie Bayrd
Be the Change
Kalsey Beach
Kylie Bearse
EJ Beasley and Monica Mattson
Delinda Beattie
Rocky Beaty
Doug and Lisa Bechtold
Judith Beck
Sandra Beck
Maria Becker
Tom Becker and Kyle Kossol
Gina Beckman
Mary Beckman
Thomas Bedard
Deborah Bednarz and David Lyons
Marie Beeching
Tim Beekman
Ronald and Linda Beer
Amy Belfi
Omar and Grace Bell
Gianina Bellamy
Sally and James Beloff
Christal Bemont
James Bence
Nancy Benedict
Mary and Shann Benhardus
Eric Bennett
Mark Bennett
Tony and Lindsay Bennett
Mindy Benowitz
Karen Benson
Kimberly Benson
Michelle Benson
Virginia Benson
James Berarducci
Barbara Berg
Chuck and Carolyn Berg
Julie Berg
Tomi Berg
Clara Bergan
Jim and Lynn Berghs
Harold Berglund
Beth Bergman and Dawn Bjerkelund
Jeff Bergquist
Tom Bergstrom
Dave Bernardy
Stacy Berndt
Paul Berquist
Richard and Joni Berquist
David A. Berry and Karen Holdgrafer-Berry
Rebecca Berry
Sherry and Robert Berry
Best Buy
Bradley Betlach and Peter Carlson
Donald Betlach
Patty Bettendorf
Rosemarie Bezak
Tom Bezek
Sanaya Bharucha
Timothy Bianchi
Juanita Bicknell
Kathleen and Laurence Bidwell
Jeffrey J. Bieganek
Cheryl Biegler
Beth Biersdorf
Linda Bigot
Jeffrey Bigwood
Wendy A. Billie
Jeannette and Jeffrey Bineham
Jodie Bird
Frank and Betty Birney
Tess Bittner
David A. Bjork and Jeff Bengtson
Matt and Sarah Black
Michael Black and Steve Norquist
Charles Blake
Gretchen Blank
Bridget and Derek Blankenship
Gerard Blankenship
Francis and Terese Blasiak
Robyn Blilie
Bill Bloedow and Jim Lewis
Kevin and Maryanna Blomer
Beth-Ann Bloom
Blue Plate Restaurant Company
Jake Blumberg and Christina Farhart
Ted Blumberg
Denise Blumberg-Tendle and William Tendle
Linda Bock
Tonia and James Bock
Scott Boedigheimer
Roberta Boergerhoff
Abigail Boetticher
April Bogard
Dennis Bogard
Jay Bogard
Boise Foundation
Amy Boland
M. Regina Bolduc
Susan Boline
Joseph Bonaiuto
Jill Boogren
Scott Booher and Patrick Dea
Gregory Boorsma and William Linmark
James and Julie Borchart
Dan Conlon and Cathy Borer
Michael Hawkins and Jeffrey Bores
Jean Borgerding
Dean Borghorst
Sharon Born
Lisa Borneman
Eugene and Jane Borochoff
Sandra Borstad
Janet and Duane Bosch
Boston Scientific
Carol Bouska
Amy Bowar Mellinger
Sarah Bowlin
Julie Boyce
Kimberly Boyd
Jill Boyden
Alex Boylan
Jennifer Braasch
Geraldine Braden
Kira and Andrew Brandman
Stephen and Janet Bratkovich
Jane Braun
Andrew Braunberger
Brave New Media
Jennifer and Brian Breed
Evelyn Breeden
Larisa Breid
Kristine Brelje
Kristine Bremner
Blythe Brenden
Beth Brennan
Thomas Brennan
Romie Brenner
Danielle and Burke Breva
Elizabeth Breyer
Jeremy Brezovan
Dianne Brickman
Elaine Brickman
Joshua Brickman
Matt and Kate Brickman
Kim Bright
Steve Brinduse and Terry Cole
Bernard Brinkley
Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS
Erica and Jesse Brodd
Karin Broecker
Jennifer Broman
Damon Brook
Eric Brook
David Brookbank
Erica Brooks
Narvel and Lauren Brooks
Nicholas Brooks
Erik Brostrom
Barry Brottlund
Angela and Richard Brown
Angie and Greg Brown
Michael Brown
Randall Brown
Richard and Kim Brown
Tiffany B. Brown
Kelly Browne
Michael Browne and Lisa McLean
Carolyn Brue
Lisa Bruns
Joseph D. Brutsche
Gay and David Buchholz
John Buchholz
Natasha Buchholz
Colleen Buckman
Donna and Ward Budde
Christine Bue
Julie Buerkle
Ginger Buffington
Brendan Bujold
Richard and Mary Lou Bullerman
Charles and Angela Bulson
Todd Pinzuti
Grant Buntje
Pam K. Burbank
Anna Buresh
Mary Burger
Brian and Marsha Burgeson
Ann Burk
Anthony Burke
Ellen Burkhardt
Mary E. Burmann
Kris Burmeister
Cristin Burnett
Jane Burnett
Jimmy Burnett
Nancy Burns and Deb Côté
Tara Burns
Burnsville Rotary Club
Jeff Burrows
Lisa Bursch
Courtney Burton
Ann and Bill Bushnell
Courtney E. Buskirk
Kevin Busko and Heidi Seaton
Judy Busse
Amber Butcher
Bob and Carolyn Bye
Susan Byers
David Byrd and Tim Vesperman
Eric Byrd
Elis Byrne
C.H. Robinson Worldwide Foundation
Tami Cabrera
Brian Call
Georgann Callander
Dr. and Mrs. Mark and Amy Callaway
Teresa Callies
Justin Calubayan
Mary Kay Cambronne
Uri and Melissa Camerena
Robert Campanelli
Kathryn Campbell
Robert Campbell
Warren L. Campbell
Cassandra and Mario Cantor
Nathen Cantwell
David and Renee Carey
Caring Transitions
Carl and Eloise Pohlad Family Foundation
Martha Carland
Richard Carlbom
Lyndsey Carlson Ruhland
Jeffrey and Deanne Carlson
Jonathan Carlson
Julia Carlson
Julie and Chris Carlson
Lois Carlson
Sarah Carlson
Valerie Carlson
Stephen Carlton
Sean Carolan and Dennis Becker
Evan Carpenter
Susan Carstens
Cristin Caruso
Brad and Shannon Case
Mary Casey Lamb
J. Patrick and Mary Casey
Bill and Margaret Celebrezze
Bruce Celebrezze
Thomas Celebrezze
Victoria Celebrezze
Anil Chandiramani
Hiro Chandiramani
Dottie Chandler
Pi-Nian Chang
Lorri Chapman
Charity Events of Minnesota
Christine Chelstrom
Shannon Cheng
Joseph and Linda Cherra
Larry Chestler
Yvonne Cheung Ho
Kathy Chimento
David Chollar
Chris Obst Memorial Tournament
Alexander Christensen
Gary Christensen
Laura Christensen
Elizabeth Christianson
Terrell Christlieb
Lauren Church
Brandy Churchill
Anne Clark
Dona and Ed Clark
Jerry and Betty Clark
Stephen Clark
Louise Clarke
Barbara Claseman
Michael and Suzanne Claseman
Chris Clasen
Sharon and Dodd Clasen
Theodore Clausen
Dawn Clearence
Peter Cleary
Jennifer Clelland
Kasey Clemens
Carol Cleven
Brian Cline
Todd Coate
Mary Cochrane and Shelley Seacotte
Catherine Cody
Jim Coffey
Pegeen Coffey
Terry and Susan Cogger-Williams
Gary and Christine Cohen
Karen Cohen
Terry Cohen
David Cohn
Mark Cohn
David Colby and Laura Clay
Susan Coler
Joseph Colianni
Melissa Collins
Michael Colson
Mary Colson-Burns
Mary Combs
Steven Comingdeer
Therese Commers
Deanna Comstock
Concur Technologies
Maria Cone
Kathleen Conklin
Paul and Kathy Connolly
Phyllis Connor
William Connor
Patrick and Kimberly Conway
Brett Cooksey
Erin Cooney
Caryn Coopmans
Mary Ann Coopmans
Glen Copeland
Harlan Copeland
Kimberly Coran
Kysa Corbett
Hollie Cormier
Jeanne Cornish
Lucy Corrin
Lisa Cortez
Kathy and Steven Cosgrove
Meghan Costigan
Andrea Cottrell
Barbara Cottrell
Heather Cowan
Tamara Cowan
Russ Cowles
Jocelyn Cox
Sheila Cox and Mona Williams
Marcia Cozzolino
Angie Craig and Cheryl Greene
Edward and Kathryn Craig
Candice Crane
Paul Crary
Amy Crawford
Bruce Cripe
Trevor and Julie Cronk
Martyn Crook
William Crosley
Rondi Cross
Aileen Crumley
Luis and Michelle Cuellar
Kathryn Culhane
Michael Culhane
Susan Culhane
Donald Culver
KaeLynn Culver
Marcus Culver
Kathleen Cummings and John Thoma
Robert Cummings
John W. Cuningham
Eric Curry and Kelly Roysland
Sara Mars Curwin
Stephen Curwin
Harold and Kathy Dahl
Jillian Dahl
Scott and Nancy Dahl
Lynn Dahlstrom
Sara Dahl-Wyland
Kat Dalager
Marjorie Dale
Virginia Dale
Karen and Todd Dalebroux
Judith Daleki
Karen Dalton and Jonathan Oelke
Debbie Daly
Peter Danielsen
Thomas J. Danielson and Bill Hauge
Barb and Brad Darling
Britta Dass
James Davenport
Robert Davidian and Rick Nelson
Alissa Davis
Greg Davis
Helen Davis
Ines Davis
James Davis
Kathy Jo Davis
Mary and Michael Davis
Robert Davis
Shannon Davis
Stefan De Boel and Colleen Hagel
Sunny De Young
Violet Dean
Jillian Dease and Max Ginsberg
Paul DeBettignies
Shelley DeBord
Vincent DeFranco
Su Ann DeGeorgeo
Dietrich Dehnhard
David Delahanty
Barbara Delaney
J. Allen DeLaney-Kolby and Perry Kolby
Matthew Delfino
Amanda Demeules
Erin Denham
Charles M. Denny, Jr.
Dean Derhaag
Jim and Roz Derhaag
Sarah DeRosier
Jason DeRusha
Ray Despiegler
David DeSplinter and Lee Christiansen
Lori Determan
Matt Deutsch
Kimberly Devine-Johnson and Christopher Johnson
Kjirsti Dew
Adam and Kelly Dewitz
Cindie DeWolf
Joshua Dick
Stephen Dickman
Connie Dickson
Chad DiDonato and Earnest Morgan
Beth Diedrich
Mary Dierkes
Mark S. Dietz and Tom Segal
Julie Dike
Laurie Dilts
Chenyueyi Ding
Lois Dirksen
Amol Dixit
Haily Dixon
DJR Architecture, Inc.
Joseph and Rachel Dolan
Mindy Dold
Dominium Inc
Kathi Donnelly-Cohen
Trennia Donohue
Timothy Donovan
Tim Dooley
Mimi Doran
Todd Doroff
Anne Dorweiler
Mary E. Doucette
Paul Doucette
Britt Dougall
Kent and Ann Dougherty
Peter Dowd
Susan Drees
Adam and Elizabeth Dressel
Max Drewes
Jill Driscoll
Stephen and Kathleen Drobac
Robert Droddy
Solange and Alain Duchene
Aaron Duff
Donna Duffy and Tim Hecei
Elaine DuFresne
Chad Dumdei
Barbara Dunker
Elizabeth Dunn Donohue
Shawn Dunn
Bill Dunne
Carolyn and William Dunne
William and Mary Dunne
Jason Duscher
Dawn Duwenhoegger
Melissa Dykema
Anne Dykstra
Heidi Dzieweczynski
Teresa Earl
Jim Earley and Wendy Sharpe
Amy East-Glenn
Caitlin Eccles-Radtke
Lisa Eckroth
Yvonne Eckstein
Ecolab Foundation
Themis and Katherine Economou
Darrin Edelman
Robert Edelstein and Mary Crowley
Claire Eder
Lisa Edgerly
George Edmonson and Anne Murray
Jessica and Bradley Edstrom
Edward R. Bazinet Foundation
Michelle Egan Burke
Tom Egan
Mary Eggemeyer
Siobhan Ehle
Joyce Ehmke
Charlie Eicher
Dr. Richard and Marsha Eisenberg
Sandy Eisentrager
Bethany Ekblad
Jasmine Eldeen
Heike Elder
Tiffany Elder
Sears Eldredge
Adam Elg
Jack Elkin
Theresa and Donald Ellingson
Angela Elliott
Sheila and Ryan Elliott
Deborah Ellis
Gary and Joyce Ellis
Gordy Ellis
Patrick Ellis
Lisa Elo
Katie Elsbernd
Joshua Ely
Elizabeth Emerson
Bob and Laurie Emfield
Gregg Emfield
Jack and Molly Emmer
Linda Engberg
Jill Englund
Robert Englund
Robert Engstrom
Janet Erdall
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Erdman
Todd Ereth
Ann Erickson
Douglas Erickson
Greg Erickson
Kristin Erickson
Lisa Erickson
Matthew Erickson
Max Erickson
Rebecca Erickson
Tamara Erickson
Patricia Eriksen
Sarah E. Erkkinen
Ernest and Sally Micek Family Foundation
Betty and Henry Ernst
Jody Estensen
Mary Estes
Heather Ethier
Kathryn Eukel and Reed Miller
Andrew B. Evans
Debby Evans
Jenny Evans
Robin Evenocheck
William Evenson
Steven Everhart
Rachel Ewell
Jeffrey Exley
Mary Ann and Lee Fabel
Dr. Robert Factor and Kris Rasmussen
John Fahrendorf
Nichole Fairbanks and Tom Knoll
Katherine Falbo
Duane and Candis Fancher
Ann Fankhanel
Sandra and Scott Farhart
John Farley
Lynn Farley
Maureen Farley
Dorothy and Charles Farnham
Wells Farnham
John Fassbender
Steven Faulhaber
Lori Fazio
Matthew Fedde
Debra Feeney
Nicole Fejfar and Raghu Pillai
Nancy Felland
Jacob Fellows
Russel Felt
Thomas Fenner
Kelly Fenton
Gretchen Fernelius
Erik and Svante Fernstrom
Louise Fester
Melinda Field
Meghan Finn
Kelly Finney
Jon Firebaugh
First Presbyterian Church
Joel and Alyssa Fischer
Kathy Fischer
Mary Fischer
Robert and Linda Fisher
Sharon Fitzenberger
Patricia FitzPatrick
Kristin Fitzsimmons
Marjorie Fitzsimmons
Grant Fjosne
Jeffrey Flake
Patricia Flanagan
Kaari and Patrick Flannery
Edward Flathers
Jamie Flaws
Margaret Flaws
Betty Flax
Deborah Fleischman
Terrence Fleming
Edward and Roslyn Fletcher
Sara Fletcher
J. Lindsay Flint
Bremer Bank
Douglas Flowers
Emily Floyd
Kathleen Fluegel
Jeanne Foels and Ryan Anderson
Jeff Foels and Kelly Nail
Tom Foels
Constance Foley
Whitney Foley
Dave Folkens
Barbara Folz
Christina Fontana
Elizabeth Forestell
John Forestell
Bradley Forrest
Beth A. Forristall
Denise Fosse
John Fossen
Alissa Fountain
Stacey and Asa Fournier-Thibodaux
Dr. Jacque Foust
Barbara Fowler
Ruth Fox
Cathy Foy
Ron and Barbara Fraboni
Frank and Evelyn Rechtzigel Family Foundation
Kathleen Frank
John and Katie Franke
Margaret-Ellen Frankel
Shelly Franz
Mary Kay Frattalone
James Frazier
Brian Fredericksen
Robert Fredericksen
Lisa Fredrikson
Thomas Freeman
Eduardo and Maria Freitas
Frey Foundation
Dan Frey
John J. Frey and Jane Letourneau
Hollis and Creighton Fricek
Diane Frick
Kristine Fridgen
Fridley Lions Club
Karen Friedland
Taylor and Mira Friedlander
Philip Friedlund and Lisa Isenberg
Todd Friedman
Jason and Sara Fritzel
Cynthia Frost
Shelley and Mark Fuerst
Lisl Fuhrken
Peter G. Fuhrken
Catherine and Marcus Fuller
Deborah Fulton
Tim and Mark FunkMeyer
Kathleen Furey
Erin Gable
Norman Gabrick
Julie Gackstetter
Todd Gagne
John Gain
Sallie Gaines
Jane Galbraith
Megan Galbraith
Beth Galde
Joseph and Jeanne Gall
Jeff and Annika Gangeness
Stephen Gardeen
Karen and Frank Gardner
Jessica Garner
Angela Gartner
Suzanne Garwood
Hans and Barbara Gasterland
Amy Gattshall
Theresa Gaupp
Jacqueline Gaustad
Lisa Gavronski
Rhonda Gazdik
Tracy Gazett
Grace Geer
Thomas Gehlbach
Barbara Gehlen
Molly Geislinger
Rick Geissler
Michele Gellerman
Shelley Gellrich
Janet and John Gendler
Lisa Genis and Steve Pratt
Laura Geno
William and Ann George
Maria Ghassemlou
Erin Ghere
John and Anne Gherty
Christopher and Cheryl Gibbons
Michaela Z. Giberson
Ellen Gibson
Erin Gibson
Lisa Giedd
Sandra Giesen
John Gigrich
Lila Gilbert
Therese Gilchrist
Elizabeth Gilles
E. Peter and Julia M. Gillette
Brian Gilligan and Steven Pospisil
David Gillman
Kimberly Gill-Price
Mark Giorgini
Karen and Peter Giorgio
Giving WoMN
Randy Gjestvang
Tiffany Gjestvang
William Glaves
Raymond and Sally Gleason
Harriet Gleeman
Debbie and Mark Glotter
Dean and Karen Goche
Sandra Godden
Nick Goehring
Ray Goettl
Jake Goetz
Jacqueline Gohdes
Emily Goldberg
Wayne and Kristy Goldberg
Andrea Goldstein
Hayden B. Goldstien
Aminu Gomos
Michael and Rita Gonzales
Aleesha Good
Staci L. Goodman
Eileen and Tom Goodoien
James Gordon
Krista Gossai
Krisca Gould
Laura Goulding
Dan Gourde
John and Susan Graber
Joel Graf
Paula Graff
Brittany Graft
Marvin Gragert
Ann-Christel Graham
Michael Graham
Michelle Graham
Gregory and Patricia Grahek
Laurie Gramstad
David and Marcella Grandpre
Shawn and Jen Granner
Diane and Allen Grant
Jennifer Grant
Elaine Graton
Annalee and E.D. Gray
Beth M. Gray
Jeff Gray
Jodi Gray and David Mykkeltvedt
Denise Greene
James Greene
Kathy Greene
Nancy and Stephen Greene
Stephanie Gregerson
Paul Gregoire
Elizabeth Gregor
Laura Grendahl
Kirstin Grev
John and Patricia Gries
Shauna Griffis
Sarah Griffiths
Hannah Grimm
Mark Grindy
Steve Grindy
David Groenheim
Heather Groetsch
Richard and Carol Gross
Mary and Charles Grote
Michael Groth
Karla Grotting
Anjali Grover
Chandra Gruber
Jodi Grundyson
Jan Grunert
Catherine Guckeen
Jayne Guertin
Barbara Gummard
Laurel Gunderson
Eric Gustin
Christine Guyott
Ashley Guzman
Richard Gwynne
Michael Haag
Erik Haaland
Rodney Haas
Lorie Haddad
Marjorie Haddad
Katherine Hadley
Megan Hadley
Suzy Haeg
John and Joan Hagman
Marla and Dean Haley
Adam Hall
Jeanne Hall
Lillian Hall and Andrea Scarpa
Rosemary Hall
Timothy Hall
Mark and Lana Halldorson
Joan and Dave Hallen
Barbara Halloran
Thomas Halpern
David and Barbara Halsey
Elaine and Dennis Hamacher
Amira Hamdon
Elizabeth Hamel
Jim and Nicole Hamel
Mary Hamel
Myk Hamlin
Dorothy Hamman
Kerstin Hammarberg and Lisa Borneman
Christopher Hammer
Dale Hammerschmidt, MD and Mary Arneson, MD
Sukhvir Hammond
Sunny Han
Carol and Lowell Hancuh
Patrick Hanna
Andrea Hansen
Donald Hansen
Lars G. Hansen
Shannon and Erik Hansen
Andrea Hanson
Byron Hanson
Chelsea Hanson
Diane Hanson
Melanie Hanson
Michelle Hanson
Robert and Arlita Hanson
Sue and Roger Hanson
Tammy Hanson
Donna Hanzal
Lynn Harder
Edith Harley and Sandra Erickson
Carmen and David Harris
David Harris
Gretchen Harris
John Harris
Ione Hartley
Lacey Hartman
Mary Hartman
Jill Hartsell
Randy J. Hartten and Ron Lotz
Kip Hartung
John Hartzheim
Ruth and Ruby Hass
Matt Hatch
Terry Hathaway
Julia Hatler
Lora Hatlestad
Dennis Hauck
Bill Hauge
Robert Haupert
Vicki and Michael Haupt
Kim Havey
Roy and Joan Hawkinson
Hawley Family Foundation
Tom and Kirin Hawley
Joseph and Mary Hayden
Jessica Hayes
Megan Hayes
Michael Hayes
Thomas Hayes
Inna Hays
Sarah Hays
Scott Headrick
Margit Heald
Terry and Rita Healy
Mark Heaney
Hannah Heard
Lynnette Heath
Leah and Susan Hebert Welles
Kathleen and Dana Hebert
Marc Hebert
Tanya Hebert and John Miller
Barbara Heck
Kristin Heck
Caroline Heckathorn
Nicole Hedeen
Dana and Mark Hedin
Mark Hedin
Marsha Hedlund
Judy Hefty
Heidi and Dave Hegenbarth
Ann and David Heider
JoMarie Heidfeld
Mr. Kelly D. Heikkila
Debbie Heiller
Louis Heim
Steven and Susanne Heim
Greg and Cynthia Heinemann
Fred and Pamala Heitfeld
Casey Helbling
Steven Held
Erik Helgerson
Timothy Hellendrung
Dorothy Heller
Katherine Hellickson
Luke Hellier
David and Susan Hellstrom
Keith and Lisa Helming
Donald and JoAnne Heltner
Thomas Helwig
Paul and Maren Henderson
Cynthia Hendricks
Karyn Hendricks
Jennifer Hendrickson
Mark Hendrickson and Keith Flaby
Maggie Henjum
Robert H. Henke
Jeanne Henley
Ananda Henly
Margaret Ann Hennen
Mary Ellen Hennen
Alyssa Hernandez
Luz Maria Hernandez and Teresa Hanratty
John and Louise Hertsgaard
Natalie Hewitt
Suzanne Hickman
Mary Kay Hicks
Richard and Joan Hilden
Gwenda and Matt HIll
Katharine Hill
Lynn Hill
Michael Hill
Taushia Hill
Julie Hillman
Brian Hirsch
Mary Hirsch
Jillian Hiscock
Sandra Hitchin
Brette Hjelle
Jennifer Hjelle
Bruce Hjerpe
Michael and Susan Hnastchenko
Russell and Cynthia Hobbie
Daryl Hodges
Nichol Hodgkinson
Lori Hoefener
Jill and Casey Hoehn
Diane Hoehne
Monica Hofe
Christopher Hoffer
Julia Hoffman
Morris and Gerre Hoffman
Gretchen Hoffmann
Kim and Craig Hoffmann
Jill and Dale Hogan
Grant Hoglund
Karen R. Holicky Michaels
Gina Holje
Madelynn Hollander
Alan Holliday
Melvin Holm and Mitchell Marks
Cynthia and Ron Holmberg
Tammy Holmen
Nicole Holmes
Joshua Holmquist
Doris Holt
Heather and Jon Holter
Carol J. Holthaus
Nick Holton
Solange Hommel
Nanette Hoover
Allison and Brian Hopkins
Michael Hoppe
Gretchen Horn
Eric Gustin and Kevin Horne
Scott Horsfall
Andrea Horsman
Shelley Horstman
Ryan Horvath and Keith Mahannah
Ellyn Hosch and Lee Biersdorf
Janet Hosch and Alana Casey
Mark and Margaret Hottinger
Ashley Houle
Stacy Hovey
Jonathan Hovland
Courtney Howard and Nathan Pesch
Jason T. Howard and Chad Keast
Kim Howard
Robert Howard and Maureen Enger
Michelle Howd
HRK Foundation MAHADH Fund
Lijeu Hua
Bruce and Jeanine Hubbard
Janelle Hubeny
Kelly Hudick and Jamey McPheeters
Alisa Huebsch
Hugh J. Andersen Foundation
David Huidston
Hal and Martha Hultgren
John Humleker
Jeff Humphrey
Kay Humphreys and Marc Hebert
Tina Humphreys
Jeanne Hunt
Thomas C. Hunt and John Wheelihan
Nancy Hunter
Sharon Hunter
Sharon Huntley
Michael Hurd
Sara Hurley
Kristine Huson
D.R. and M.A. Huss
Roger Huss
Beth Huston
Hutter Family Foundation
Ross Huttunen
Gary and Laurie Huusko
I and G Charitable Foundation
Osama Ibrahim
Thomas Burger and Mark Iezek
David Ilse
Timothy Ilse
Thomas and Cheryl Imdieke
Deborah Imelmann
James and Deborah Ingebretsen
Investment Management Inc.
Invision Optical, LLC
Janice Isaac
Pamela Isham
Katherine Iverson
Lorie Iverson
Izzy’s Ice Cream
J.A. Wedum Foundation
Summer Jackson
Barbara and Chester Jacobsen
Joe Jacobson
Garmin Jain
Jamberry Nails
Jill and Seth James
Jonathan Jameson
Chiang and Mike Jandro
Barb and Frank Janisch
David and Kaye Jankowski
Faber Janovitz
Jill Janovitz
Amanda Jansen
Jarden Consumer Solutions
Bob and Jackie Jasper
Paul Jasper
Trish A. Jass
Jayco Plumbing
Derrick Jefferson
Nadine Jelinski
Nick Jellum
Debbie Jensen
Joel Jensen
Lisa Jensen
Joyce Jentoft
Kathy Jernberg
Malinda Jesch
Susan Jeska
Mark and Peggy Jessen
Bridget Jewell
Paul Jeyaraj
Jim John
Barbara and Larry Johnson
Becky and Les Johnson
Bruce Edward Johnson
Charlie Johnson
Chelen Hey Johnson
Christopher Johnson
Cynthia and Harold Johnson
Darrell and Vicki Johnson
David Johnson
Deanna Johnson
Dottie and Harold Johnson
Emily Johnson
Erik Johnson
Gary and Roberta Johnson
Jacqueline Johnson
Janet Johnson
Jeanette Johnson
JoLynn Johnson
Joy Johnson
Karen Johnson
Kathryn Johnson
Lisa Johnson
Marilou Johnson
Michelle and Burke Johnson
Nancy Johnson
Nancy Johnson
Reyna and Dalton Johnson
Sara Johnson
Susan and Larry Johnson
Thomas Johnson
Tom and Kristen Johnson
William Johnson
James Johnston
Keith Jones
Kristin Jones
Michelle Jones and Belinda Setters
Penelope Jones
Susan Jones
Patricia Jons
Jordan Joseph
Brian and Karen Joyce
Megan Junius
Tim Kaari
Shaun Kaitz
Elizabeth Kaldun-Buchholz
Sarah and Simon Kallal
Endel and Leslie Kallas
Ann Kaner-Roth and Marc Roth
Asifa Kanji and David Drury
Patricia Kantorowicz
Barbara Kanyr
Adina Kaplan
Michael Kappel
Charles Karas and Rose Kennealy Karas
Karen Karbo
Sarah and Dan Karlgaard
Joan and Michael Karnas
Travis Karstad
Darla Kashian
Tracy Kasparek-Breland
Julie Katch
John and Barbara Kattner
Ruth Ellen Katz
Lennie and Jill Kaufman
Kelsey Kaysen
Donna Kazanowski
Katie Kearney-Bidwell
Jenny Keavy
Jessica Keehn
Jean Kehren
Robert and Tasya Kelen
Leah Kellen
Neil Kelley
Ann Kellogg
Guthrie Kellom
Brenda Kelly
Charles Kelly
Julia Kelly
Tadd J. Kelly and Brad Langlass
Erin Kelsey
Linda Kelsey-Strand and Glenn Strand
Julie Kemna-Edner
Laurie and Chris Kemp
Anne Kempainen
Kenneth Kendle and Julie Jacobson Kendle
Molly Kennedy
Paul Kennedy
Joseph and Susan Kenney
Kevin and Judith Kenney
Roberta Kenney
Philip Kerler
Brian Kessler
J. Keul
Key Surgical
Mary Keyes
Sara Kidd-Lewis
Rev. Gil Kiekenapp
Kathy Kiel
Dr. Elizabeth A. Kilburg
Janet Kilton
Brenda Kimmes
Arlene and William Kindseth
Chad King
Claire King
Eileen King
Karen King
Susan Kingsbury
Erin Kintop
Joanne Kintop
Rachel Kintop
Thomas Kintop
Nancy Kintoplee
Amy Kirby
Lauren Kirkpatrick
Molly Kissner
Barbara Kistler
Phillip Kitzer
Kate Kjellberg
Curt Klass
Kelli Klatt
Charlene Klaus
Arlene Klavins
Greg and Sue Klein
Betty-Ann Kleinschmidt
Robert and Marie Klepinski
Colleen S. Kliebert
Cheryl Klink
Sandra Klos
Chris Kluthe
Tom Knabel and Kent Allin
Jacob Knighton
Knock Inc
Amy and Sarah Knopke-Mooney
Jack and Jacqueline Knopp
Katherine Knowles
Katie Knutson
Tara Koch McAdams
Lynn Koechel
Elizabeth Koehl
Kurt Koehler
Kasey Koenig
Linda Koenig
Paul Koerber and Jeanette Carrell
Kristine Koesling
Michael Koetting
Eliot Kohan
Kelly Kohlbacher
Susanna Kohlmyer
Kirsten Kokemueller
Sue Kolar
JP Kolbinger and Henry Herrmann
Ingrid and Peter Koller
Jacob Koller, Jr.
Greg Kollodge
Nick Kolnik
Stephen Komarec
Margaret and Robert Koop
Andrea Kopfmann
Duane and Leanne Kopfmann
Megan Kopfmann
Mike and Lisa Kopfmann
Kopp Family Foundation
Mr. Lindsey Kopp
Rita Kopp
Kathleen Korducki
Jane Korn
Bonita Kosciolek
Pam Kovar
Carol and Oliver Krage
David Kramer
Kristen Kranzler
Jennifer Kreitz
JP Krenz
Martha and Michael Krikava
Becky Kritz
Jan Kroells
Irene Kroening
Richmond Kroll
Adam Krueger and Thomas Fenner
Daniel Krueger
Dann Krueger
Ryan J. Krueger
Elizabeth and David Kruger
Matt T. Krupp and Kenneth Kalina
Sandra Kruse Roslin
Laurel and Gordon Kruse
Alan Krutsch
Andre Kubista
Al and Kirsten Kuehl
Cindy and Ethan Kuehl
Thomas Kuehl
Barbara Kueppers
Keith Kuffel
Malia Kuhnly
Karyn Kujawa
Brad Kuklock
Emily Kulenkamp
Kevin Kulics
Robert Kunze
Rick and Leslie Kupchella
Anne Kurowski
Timothy and Pamela Kurtz
Christine Kustritz
Maria Kustritz
Sharon Kustritz
Joseph Kuznik
Kristine Kvamme
Teri Kay Kwant
Vandhana Kwatra
Allison La Pointe
John LaBarre
Diane Lacina
Dawn LaDassor
Mary Pat Ladner
Bob and Marion Lageson
Amy Laird
Lake Minnetonka Excelsior Rotary Club
Clarence LaLiberte
Rik Lalim
Joseph Lamberson
Carol Lambrecht
Christina Lamont
Land O’Lakes Foundation
Michelle Land
Jeffrey Lande
Lisa and Randy Lane
Allen Lang
Amy Lange
Albert and Harriet Langer
Danny and Morgan Langseth
Pamela Langseth
Barry and Kathleen Langton
Elaine LaPointe
Morgan L’Argent
Julian Larrea
John E. Larsen and Michael D. Stewart
Stephanie and Gregg Larsen
Amy Larson
Heidi Larson
Karen Larson
Nate Larson
Katie Lashley
Mark and Susan Lasoff
Daren Latham and Kurt Ebner
Tim and Suzanne Lauer
Chris Lawrence
David Lawson
Tad Lawson
Michelle Le and Lydia Anderson
Noel Le
Tien Le
Robert Leaf
Susan Leaf
Ken and Faye LeDoux
Candice Lee
Christopher Leeder
Jessica Lehrke
Diane Leigh
Jim Leighton and Kenny Christopher
Melissa Leimbeck
Alison Leintz
Brenda Leis
Allen Lemay
Alice Leno
Althea Lentsch
Bob Lenz and Tom Paul
Eric Lenz
Megan Lenz
Allen and Kathy Lenzmeier
Ian and Christy Leonard
Jane Leonard
Barbara Leopold
Marcy Leussler
Tim and Erin Leveille
David Levendoski
Carla and Rick Leveque
Jane Levin and Judy Reisman
Sandra Levine and Carolyn Belle
Rachel Levitt
Lisa Levy
Jack Lewis
Xiqing Li
Judith and Ron Libertus
Liberty Diversified International
Jerry and Mary Ann Lichtsinn
Larry and Deanna Liddell
Donald and Beverly Liebenstein
Stanley Light
Todd Limesand
Katie and Miles Lin
Lisa Lind
Andy Lindell
Josh Lindell
Thomas and Mary Lindell
Debra Lindor
Julie Lindquist
John and Jacquelyn Lindstrom
John Lineweaver
Theresa J. Lippert and Frederick Grittner
Lauren Lippman-Damman and David Damman
Luanne Lippold
Maryanna and Craig Litsey
Bruce and Cheryl Little
Elisha Little
Joseph and Esther Liu
Peggy Liu
Living Greens Farm
Jake Loesch
William Loesch
Linda Lofdahl
Deborah Logan
Matthew Logan
Janice Lohse
Pamela Lohse
Joyce C. Lomauro
Kelly Loosbrock
Mark I. Lopez
Jennifer Losey
Heidi Losleben
Grant Lotz
Dennis Louie
Richard Love
Angela Lovstuen
Douglas Loy and Sandra Olson-Loy
Debra and Ming-Te Lu
Jenna Lucas
Gretchen Luedtke
Michael and Sandy Luker
Rachel Lukoff
Stacy Lundberg
Ruth Lunde
Rachelle Lundgren
Kaelene Lundstrom
Rebecca Lunna
Marilyn Lustig
Lutheran Volunteer Corps
David Ly
Kienan Mick and Justin Lynch
Traci and Dain Lyngstad
Mary Lyon
Cathy Mabry
Samantha MacDonald
Hannah MacDougall
Christopher MacLeod
J. Ashwin and Mollie Madia
Susan and TL Maggs
Marguerite M. Maginot
Catherine Magnuson
Tom and Kaia Mahlke
A.J. Mahon
Catherine Mahowald
Joan Mailander
Donald and Rhoda Mains
Janice Maiola
Teresa Maiola
Jackie Makholm
Donald and Betty Maland
Patti Malberg
Brian Mallie
John Malone
Doris and Robert Maloney
Lori and Craig Malvey
Paul and Lisa Mandell
Mary Maney
Katie Mann
Buba Manneh
Amanda Manning
Jennie Manning
Sam and Jennie Manning
Mary Mansour
Mary Manzavrakos
MAPE Union Local 902
Maple Grove Hospital
Eric Marasco
Todd Marble
Marbrook Foundation
Krishnan Margabandhu
Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies
John Marino
Scott Markham
David Markle
Dorothy Markowitz
Jane Lynch Marrone and Michael Marrone
Susan Marsh
Ann Marie and John Marshall
Christopher Marshall
Margaret Marshall
Careen Martin
Kevin Martin
Kristen and Peter Martin
Jerry Martinek
Meg Martinez
Anna Lynn Martino
Andrew Martinson
Valerie Martinson
Kelli Marushin
Emmy Marusin
Thomas Masanz
Jeffrey Masco
Paula Masko
Nick and Andrea Masloski
John Mason
Judy Mason
Massive Amounts of Good
Molly Joy Matheson Gruen and Eric Gruen
Regina and Damon Mathews
Matific Slate Science
Maggie Matson
Mark G. Matson
Judith Mattison
Karen Mattison
Shari Mattsen
Rachel Mattson
Roger Mattson
Ingrid Mattsson
Emily Mauter
Missy Weldy and Erica Mauter
Kaye and Ron Mauter
Kelsey May
Peter Maye and Betsy Cobb Maye
Kathleen Mayer
Kathleen Mayerhofer
Patricia McArdle
Stephen McAreavy
Mary McCabe
Elizabeth McCambridge
Bill and Sue McCarthy
Paul and Jamie McClellan
Mary Kay and John McCluskey
Charleen and Michael McCracken
Beth and David McCuskey
Michael McDermott
Jennifer McDevitt
Patricia McDonald
Sean and Shauna McDonald
Judith McDonough
William C. McDonough and Brent Derowitsch
Lisa McEllistrem
Vickie McElroy
Eric McEnaney
Cherilyn McEnery
Michelle McEntyre
Alice Maude McEwen
Andrea McFadin
Anne McGarry
Christopher McGrath
Chris and Aimee McGuire
Jody McGuire and Aaron Amosson
Thomas and Susan McGuire
Melissa McInerney
Lori McIntyre and Richard Williams
LeRoy McKee
Matt McKenzie
Laura McLain
Tonya McLenton
Tara McLeod
Carol and Richard McMahon
Kelly McManus and Michael Olson
McMonigal Architects
Loretta McPheeters
Melanie McRae
Daniel McTeigue O’Connor
Joan Meadows
Medtronic Foundation
Mary Mehsikomer
Tanya Meillier
James and Karen Meinz
Lauren Melcher
Mike Meldahl
Rahel Melesse
Madeleine Mellini
Doug Melroe
Krisie and Michelle Melsen
Anton Melton-Meaux
Angela and Stephen Mendrzychowski
Candice and Eric Menge
Lois Mensing Hildebrandt and Gregg Mensing
Kerry Schwichtenberg-Menzel and Thomas Menzel
Krista Menzel
Jane Mercier and Mark Taylor
Catherine Merle
Bernice and John Merrigan
Paula Merrigan and Martha Mockus
Brenda Merrill
Elizabeth and Mark Merrill
Erin Merrill
Paul Merrill
Janet Merschman
Daniel Mertes
Douglas Mertz
Dawn Messerly
Metro Meals on Wheels
Lynn Metz
Britiany Mewhorter
David and Mari Meyer
James Meyer
Nick Meyer
Stephanie Meyer
Susan Meyer
Nick Meyers
Mi Mi Design, LLC
Leah Michaelson
Margaret Michaelson
Jan and Russ Michaletz
Judi and Gregg Micholic
Mierow Landscapes
Julie Milbrath
Kari Miles
Angela Miller
Christopher Miller
Elizabeth Miller
Jay Miller
Margie Miller
Roger Miller
Max Milstein
Richard Minday
Richard Miner
Minneapolis Friends Meeting
Minnesota Rollergirls
Mike Minor
Andrea and Joseph Mitchell
Ashley Modrow
Curtis Moe
David and Stacey Moe
Karin Moe
Kathryn Moe and Jonathan Watson
William and Margaret Moeller
Charles and Victoria Mogilevsky
John Mohn
Shawn M. Mohovich
Patrick Mohr
Kay Molencamp
Bradley Momsen and Richard Buchholz
Lisa Monahan
Carmen Mondelli
Michael Mondelli
Tamara Monk
Chris and Sue Monson
Patrick Moore
Dinesh Moorjani
Katheryne and William Moran
Marlene Moreno
Jonathan H. Morgan
Timothy Morgan
Susan Moriarity
Meaghan Moriarty
Nancy Morin
David Morris
David Morris
Sandra and Robert Morris
Victoria Morris
Victoria Morris
William Morris
The Morsman Family Foundation
Carla Mortensen
Kari Mortensen
Hannah Mortenson
Robert Morton
Nicole Moscowitz
Molly and Adam Moseley
Jolee Mosher
Alice Mott
Sue Moulder
Mount Olive Lutheran Church
Janet Moy
Marilyn and Keith Moyer
Mellie Mroszak
Jennifer and David Mrozinski
Matthew Mrozinski
Sue Muecke
Nicole Muehlhausen
Tom Mueller and Arthur Punyko
Joseph Mulder
Kirsten Muller
Bonnie Mulligan
Timothy and Victoria Mullin
Lisa Mulrooney
Asha Mumin
Anne Munsinger
David and Amy Munson
Bridget Murphy
Ellen Murphy
Jamie Murphy
Julie Murphy
Shannon Murphy
Alison Murray
Cheryl Muscott
Mike Mussman
Mary Myers
Peter Myhre
Elizabeth Myrick
myTalk 107.1
Susan Nagel
Betsy Nagle
Kelly Nail
Ronald and Patricia Nail
NAS Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation
Martha Nash and Kristin Benson
Judith and David Nass
Harold Nast
Varda K. Nauen and Jeffrey Burton
Mary Neal
Sharon Neal and Linda Engberg
Francis Nedoroscik
Laurie Neff
Emily and Keith Negrin
Mary Neil
Mike and Sandy Neill
Paul Nelsen
Brittany Nelson
Carol Nelson
Dale and Tracy Nelson
Daniel Nelson
Edith Nelson
Elizabeth Nelson
Erik Nelson
Janey Nelson
Joanne Nelson
Matt Nelson
Melanie Nelson
Rhonda Nelson
Ruth Nelson
Kristie Nelson-Neuhaus and Paul Neuhaus
James H. Nepp and Larry Fonnest
Anders Ness and Stephanie Rose
Stephanie Rose and Anders Ness
Sherry Nester
Cathy Nevanen
Denise Nevanen
Lauren Nevanen
Martha Nevanen
Michelle Nevanen
Monica Nevin
Parker Newcomb
Sandra Newhouse
Valerie and Robert Newstrom
Thomas Newton
Marcia Niedorf
John Nielsen
Doug Nienhuis
Jeni Nigg
Nik Yahya Nik Rushdi
Nilan Johnson Lewis
Elizabeth and Roger Nitz
Matthew Noll
Sahra Noor
Mark Noordsy
Jason and Theresa Nordenstam
Erik Nordin
Gar Nordin
Denise Nordling Cronin
Jeffrey Nordstrom
William Norman
Mark and Patricia Norquist
Laura Norris
Glyn R. Northington and Stan Kolden
Northwest Area Foundation
James Norton
Julie Novak
Mary Novak and Lisa Nadeau
Shirley A. Nuechterlein
Ethel Nyberg
Sarah and Dana Nybo
Sarah O’Banion
Jennifer Oberstar
Andrea O’Brien
Kara O’Brien
Vicki O’Brien
Carol O’Connell and Ann Stegmeier
Jack O’Connell
Elizabeth Odette
Diane O’Donnell
Julie and Joseph O’Donnell
Meaghan O’Donnell
Scott Oechsner
Sarah Oehlerts
Ashley Oeltjenbruns
Susan Oestreich
Dennis Ofstedal
Donald Ofstedal and Jerald Lee
Ellen Ogman
Lauri and Daniel O’Hara
Martha O’Hara
Megan Ohly
Mitch Ohly
Alexandre Olchanski
Rachel Oldfield
Janice O’Leary
Marilyn Olesen
Amanda Oleson
Tammi Oliver Vaught
Colleen Oliver
John Ollmann
A.J. Olmscheid
Katherine Olmschenk
Laura Olmstead
Caroline Olsen
Christeen Olsen
Aubrey Olson
Becky and Steve Olson
Carlye Olson
Carolyn Olson
Debora Olson
Kaia Olson
Karen Olson
Michael Olson
Patricia Olson
Paul D. Olson
Sean Olson
Theodore and Mary Olson
Neal and Kate O’Mara
One Simple Plan
Catherine O’Neil
Madeline and Connor O’Phelan
Maria Ophelan
Kate O’Reilly
Steven and Mary Orfield
Heather O’Rourke
Peter Osborn
William and Mary Osborn
Roger and Carolyn O’Shaughnessy
Kyle Oshima
Gerda Ottman
Kaarin Ottman
Otto Bremer Trust
Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church
Kelly Overgard
Rondi Pacheco
Shana Padgett
Bonny Paetznick
Luis Pagan-Carlo
Susan Pagani
Joanne Paige
Deborah Paine
Laura and Lindsay Paine
Andrea and Jose Paiz
Richard and Keri Pakonen
Joseph Palen
Donielle and Anthony Palladino
Tom Palmer
Jourdan Palumbo
Tony Panasuk
Lisa Pank
Rick Panning
Karen and Dale Panton
Mary Jane Pappas
Adam Pardo
Kim and Ryan Pardo
Andrea Parent
Janet Park
Philip Park and Paul Sakry
Theodore Park
Anne and Bill Parker
Elise Parker-Stephen
Marlene Parkin
Troy and Kimberly Parrish
Charles and JoAnne Parsons
Gary and Martha Pasterik
Esther Pasternack and Greg Clark
JoAnn and Eric Pasternack
Barbara Patchen
Bonnie Patterson
Gwendolyn Patterson
Tyler Patterson and Brandy Churchill
Raymond Patti
Pam Paulsen and Lynn Pierskalla
Lisa Paulson
Marilynn and Duane Paulson
Rachel and Kyle Payne
Maureen Payton
Peace Coffee
Chris Pearson
Joy Pearson
Marisa Pearson
Antoinette Pearson-Ettinger and Steve Ettinger
Claude Peck
Denise Peck
Emily Pedersen
Brenda Peick
Michael J. Peller
Chris Pelletier and Jamie Grivich
Cindy and Mark Pelletier
Tara Pellett
Fernando and Julie Pena
Megan Pence
Pepsi Beverages Company
Laura Perdue
Madison Perkins
Ronald Perrier
Kenneth and Patricia Perron
Teri Perron
Kristin and Joe Perry
Lorrie and Peter Pesheck
Josine Peters
Sarah Peters
Mona Peterson Rosow
Bret Peterson
Briana Peterson
Carl and Mary Peterson
Carolee Peterson
Curt Peterson
Holt and Ann Peterson
Jeffrey K. Peterson and Jill Catherwood
Katheryne Peterson and Tim Dooley
Kera Peterson and Steve Ferris
Leslie Peterson
Michelle Peterson
Judi and Lorne Petkau
Pamela Petrie
Pfizer Foundation
Manhtien Phan
Donna Philippot
Jeremy Pierotti and Kathryn Klibanoff
Michael Pink and Amy Arias Pink
Piper Jaffray
Mary Kay Pitlik
Eugene Pittenger and Tracie Decker
Jane and Steve Pittman
Jhana Pittman
Janet Pitzer
Robert and Roxanna Plouff
Mary Pokarney
Sarah Pokarney
Abigail Polter
Dave and Carol Polter
Elizabeth Polter
Gary and Lenore Porter
William and Pauline Posten
Miranda Posthumus
Scott Potter
Jensen Power
Don and Karen Powers
Tamara Prato
Andrew and Alysen Pratt
Barbara Pratt
Janine Pratt
Emily Prazak
Lee Prevost
Pricco Family Charitable Fund
Carol Pricco
Chris Pricco
Kelli and Steve Pricco
Peter Pricco
Keith Privette
Karyn Prois
Randall Propp and Randy Nelson
Betty Prystal
Elizabeth Pudas
Marylea Puhl
Angie Punton
Lauren Purcell
Sunil Puri
Joanne Quam
Quantum Retail
Anna Rita and Daniel Quinn
Peter and Linda Quinn
Jamie Quint
Daniel Quirk
Paul Raetz
Louise and Tom Rafferty
Marion Ragsdale
Dorian Ramirez
Amy Ramnarace
Ramie and Rebecca Ramsden
Donald Ramstad
Christie Randolph
Randy Shaver Cancer Research and Community Fund
Amber Ranzau
Vicki Raport and Guff Van Vooren
Mary and Dennis Rasmusson
Asfia Rather
Anne Ravenstone
Karla Raway
Ray Edwards Memorial Trust
Jon Raymer
Syed Raziuddin
Zohra Raziuddin
RE/MAX Results
Molly Reardon
Lynn Reber
Debby Rebischke
Michael Redmond
Edward Reed
Regents of University of Minnesota
Caroline Reginato
Angela Reiber
M. K. Reid
Meg Reid
Gail Reimnitz
Erich and Amanda Reineck
Reinhart FoodService
Robert and Elizabeth Reinhart, Jr.
Jeff and Debra Reinholdz
Jack and Barbara Reis
Debby Reisingee
Carla and Howard Rekstad
Moses W. L. Renault-Moses and Roger Jules Paré
Ethan Reynolds
Grace Reynolds
William Reynolds and Jeanne Cosgrove
Marty Reynolds-Ohana
Clarence and Debora Rezac
Cathryn Rheiner
Melissa and Tim Rice
Richard M. Schulze Family Foundation
Karen Richards
Kay Richards
Lisa Richards
Deb and Greg Richter
Mitch Richter
Robin Rick
Janice Rideout
Greg and Lori Rieckhoff
Joy Rikala
Andrew Ring
Judy Ring
Charles and Helen Ringhofer
Leslie Ringstad
Dennis F. Rioux and Stacey Otto
Andrew Ripka
Julie Ripley
Randolph and Deborah Ripley
Tony Ripley
Julie Risovi
Patricia Rissinger
Tara Ritter
Riverbridge Partners LLC
Mary Roan
Kathryn Robbins
Ernest and Marilyn Roberg
Jordan Roberge
Walter Roberts
Patricia Robertson
Susan and David Robertson
David Robinson
Norine Robinson
Mary Robison
Jessica Rochester and Renae Youngs
Sarah Rochford
Carroll and Ann Rock
Eric Rodgers
Beth Roemmich
Crystal Roemmich
Peg Roessler
Robert Roettger
Tami Rogers
Matthew Rognstad
Alex Rogosheske
Steve and Cynthia Roh
Catherine Rohrman
Bryan Rohs
Arturo Rojas and Jason Ellisen
Rojo West End
Brie Roland
Randon Roland
Shannon Rolette
Diana Rose
Scott Rose
Jennifer Rosenbaum
Susan Rosenberg
Hanan J. Rosenstein, M.D. and Rich Alberta, Psy.D.
Aaron Rosenthal
Jeff Ross
Paula Roth and James Hill
Shirley Rothstein
Bernard Rothwell
Roberta Rott and Larry Hanke
Gregory Rotunda
Michelle Rougier-Hill
Jim and Melissa Roussin
Jeanie Rowe
Stephanie Rowh
Jody Rowland
Justin and Amanda Royer
Erin Royster
Laurence Rubinow
Richard Ruble
Wendy Ruble
Karen and Stephen Rudd
Benjamin Rude
Carol Rue
Linda Ruecker
Jane Runyon
Madeleine Rush
Shelley Rusinek
Kevin Rusk
C.A. Rusnacko, Jr.
Naomi Ruud
Ryan Ruud
Richard and Kacie Ryan
Scott Rynerson
Kim and Tom Sabow
Jacob Sachs
Thea Sahr and Patrick Field
Lynn Sainati
David Sakry
Glenda and Steven Sakry
Jennifer Sakry
Amanda Salkowicz
Kelly Sam
Donna Samelian
Gloria Sandberg
David and Miriam Sanders
Matthew Sanders
Amanda Sandford
Rachel Sandler Silva
Kerry Sarnoski and Susan Lowum
Robert and Kathleen Sather
Mark Sauerbrey and Dennis Taylor
Deborah Saul
Malinee Saxena
Retu Saxena and Greg Ripley
Surya Saxena
Mary Scallen
Caitlin Scanlon
Bud Dauphin
Thomas L. Schaefer
Katherine Schafer
K. A. and H. M. Schaufler
Jessica Schaum
Kiley Schefers
Anne Schelin
Barbara Schelling
Rosemary Scheremet
Michele Schermann
Chris Schermer
Jim Schewe
Lisa Schlesinger
Marina and David Schlesinger
Justin Schluender
John and Holly Schluter
Laura Schmid
Lisa and Beth Schmid
Julie Schmit
James and Barbara Schmitt
Michael Schnaus
Dave Schneider
Tamara Schnellman
Schnieders Family Foundation
Mark Schoenbaum
Melissa Schoenberg
Peggy A. Schoenberger
Wayne Schoeneck
Susan Schonfeld
Justin Schramm
Stephen Schreiber
Camille Schroeder
Jane Schroeder
Matthew Schroeder
Chris and Kyndra Schroer
Barbara Schubring
Edward and Judith Schuck
Maria Schuett
Laurie Schultz
Richard Schultz
Steven Schultz
Denise A. Schumacher
Jamie Schuster
Katie Schutrop
Caitlin Schwartz
Colleen Schwegel
Kathy and Jay Scoggin
Paul and Anne Scoggin
Julianne and Jeffrey Scott
Richard Scott
Lisa Scribner
Patrick Scully
Craig Seacotte
Christopher Sebas
Jan Seeger
Ellen Seesel
Thomas Segersin
Jon and Maureen Segner
Frank C. Seigars and Jodi Sarles
Louise Seigworth
Kirsten Selby
Laura Sell
John Seltz and Catherine Furry
Susanne Serna
Kimball Service
Manu Sethi
Gina Severson
Karen Seymour
Kirsten Shabaz
Shawn Shafer
Pavan Shah
Amjad and Noreen Shahid
Sara Shaw
Lewis Shealy
Daniel Sheehan
Eric Sheehan
Edwin and Doris Sherman
William and Constance Sherman
Richard and Theresa Sherry
Amy Shipley
Kim Shobe
Jane Shoshnik
Victoria Shroyer
Kathleen Shuck
Elizabeth Sigette
Anthony Signorelli
Katie Signorelli
Wanda Sigurdson
Helen Silha
David Silver
Ian and Judy Silver
Christine T. Silvers
Scott Simanek
Sadie Simcox
Joshua Simenstad
Harvey Simmons
Eric Simpson
James Simpson
Lisa Sinclair
Ross and Carolyn Sinclair
Ginger Sisco
Wayne and Ann Sisel
Eric Sjoding
Mr. Kasey Skala
Kisa D. Skelton
Kyle and Stephanie Skiermont
George and Emma Lou Skiffington
Sue Skiffington-Blumberg and Al Blumberg
Joe Skifter
Theresa Sladek
Emily Slagle
Mary Slagle
Andrew Small
Jean Small and Rebecca Korach
Elizabeth Smelter
Aaron Smith
Aynsley Smith
Becky Smith
Clayton Smith
Gary Smith
Gregory Smith
Jean Smith
Linda and Gary Smith
Marjorie Smith
Patrick Smith
Patrick Smith
Susan Smith
Susannah Smith and Matt Sobek
Lisa Smude
Arlene and John Snyder
Roger Snyder
Tane Soeldner-Danger
Kristine Solberg
Sara Soli
Dave Sollien
Blake Solomon
Jelena and Joe Song
Andrew Sonnesyn
Julie Sorensen
Kathryn Sorensen
Lori Sorensen
Mary Sorensen
Maron Sorenson
Robert and Edna Spangler
Matthew Spanjers
Amy Sparks
Megan Spaulding
Cassie Speerschneider
Jeanne Spencer Rose and Stephen Rose
Amber Spencer
Dean Spencer
Thad Spencer
Ruth Sperling
Susan Spero
Rosemary Spielmann
Marc Spiros
Kyle Spitzer
Leslie Ann Spring
Danielle St. Germain-Gordon
Russell St. John
St. Jude Medical Foundation
Carla Staffa
Jason Stahl and Katie Connolly
Kurt Koehler and Lara Stahr-Koehler
Staley Family Foundation
Chris Staley
Josyanne Stanek
Laura Stanisich
Debra Stansbury
Anne Stanton
Dennis Stark
William Stark
Dr. Terri Starkey and Kris Lynch
Nicole and Jenny Starr
Randall Stawski
Kaye Stearns
Candace Steele Flippen and Thomas Flippen
Amy Steele
Jerry and Doreen Steele
Scott Steen
Deborah Steeples
Stefano Stefan
Ingrid Stefansky
Julie Steffen
Erica Steffenson
Lynae Steinhagen
Louise Stenberg
Natalie Stephens
Christine and Leo Stern
Cara Stevens
Tom Stevens
Laurel Stewart
Still Ain’t Satisfied-A Foundation With Attitude
Seth Still
Blythe Stillwell
Patricia and Gerald Stone
Michael Stoos
Douglas Storlie
Greg Storlie
Phyllis Stratton
Robert and Judith Straub
Janet Streff
Leah and Adam Strom
William Strong
Mohan Subbarayan
Marion Sudkamp
John Sullivan
Summer Soiree
Mary Summer
Tracy Sund
Karen and Richard Sundberg
Karen and Richard Sundeen
SUPERVALU Foundation
Surly Brewing Company
Susan G. Komen Minnesota
Donna Susler
Amy Sutter and Chris Kehew
Kiran Svee
Andy Sveen
Amy Swalley
Paul Swan
Harold and Ione Swanson
Jean Swanson
Julia Swanson
Roy and Billie Sweat
Stephen Sweeney
Phil and Mary Ellen Sweetser
Anna Swenson
Ellie and Charlie Swenson
Laurie Swiler
Todd Swiler
Dana Swindler and Greg Walsh
Merle Sykora
Judith Takkunen
Dave and Lori Talafous
Meghan Tallakson
Howard Tam
William Tanner
Bruce Tanquist
Richard and Marleen Tanzer
Ashley Tapia
Jim and Megan Tardiff
Allyson Tarnowski
Aliya Taube
Don Taylor
John Taylor
Patricia and Richard Taylor
Eric Tebben
Katherine Anne Tecku
Cheri Templeman
Susan and Robert Tennessen
Terry and Sam D. Roth Philanthropic Fund
Debra Teske
Mary Ann Teske
Russell Testa and Chas Salmen
The 30 Days Foundation
The John Mondati Foundation
The Peter J. Lindahl Fund
Jeffrey and Bobbi Jo Theisen
Michael Therriault
Sarah Thies
Bridgette Thom
Aaron Thomas
Micah and Larissa Thomas
Erna Thomley
Amy Thompson
Dorothy and Earle Thompson
Kristin Thompson
Rhea Thompson
Vicki and Peter Thompson
Thomson Reuters
Mary and James Thompson
Keith Thorkelson
Amy Thorsen
Heidi Thorson
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
Thull Construction
Elizabeth Thury
Ariella Tilsen and Scott Edelstein
Ed and Lisa Timek
Beth G. Timm
Patricia Tinder
Matt Titus
Pamela Titus
John Tlusty
Tobin Brothers
LuAnn Tolliver
Luann Tomkinson
Chandra Torgerson and Rhonda Battleson
Trent Tosseth
Waneta Trabert
Doug Tran
Scott Treitline
Erin Tressler
Jon Tretsven
Sam C. Trewick
Mary Trittin
Jacqueline Trottier
Jessica and Brian Troy
Donald and Jane Truhlar
Danielle Tschida
Sara Tschimperle
Anthony Tuchscher
Calisa Tucker
Brandon and Elizabeth Turner
Morgan Turner
Muriel and Owen Turnlund
Sandra Tykeson and Julie Breitbach
Dale Ulbrich
Jane Ullmann-Bester
Susan and Clayton Umlor
United Health Foundation
Ben Ursel
US Foods
Jim Valento
Greg Valinet
Tisha Van Haaften
Erin Van Heirseele
James and Karen Van Reese
Nancy Van Sloun
Jennifer and David Van Wyk
Margaret Van Wyk
Dan and Julie Vanderheyden
Jim and Katie Vanderheyden
Lisa J. Vanderheyden and Lisa Ness
Tom and Debby Vanderheyden
Brian VanderWaal and Jeff Hlavacek
Vanguard Cleaning Systems of Minnesota
James VanHofwegen
Sam VanNorman
Gene and Becky Van’t Hof
Ronald and Carol Vantine
Yolanda Varela
Kathryn and Glen Varns
Jose and Andrea Vasquez
Sandra Vatassery
James Vavrichek
Karen Vavrichek
Michael and Debra Venker
Sharon and Steven Veno
Jim Verdoorn
Debra Vergin
Jenny and Robert Verner
Janis Verruso
Paula Vesely
Peggy Vigoren
Joan Vilter
Steven Vincent and Jill Weese
Ryan Vinje
Karen Vinnes
Violet Edge
Katie Vogel
Dr. Nick Vogenthaler and Sara Erickson
Joanna Volk
Joanne Von Blon
Mike and Debbie Von Spreecken
Pete Voth
Shawn Vougeot
Kevin Vouk
Voya Financial
Kou Vue
Anne Waddell
David Wagner
John and Annette Wahl
Ali Wahlin
Marilyn Wahlstrom
Bill Wainberg
David Waldemar
Mark Waldo
Kathryn Waldorf
Alanna Walen
Cecily Walker
Rachael Walker
Sonja Walker
Steven W. Walker
Karen and Bill Walkowski
Barbara Wallace
Beth Wallace
Tom Wallace
Tracy Wallace
Walmart Foundation
The Walser Foundation
Walsh Design Group
Bonnie Walsh
Kerry Walsh
Jack and Debra Walsingham
John and Sandra Walstrom
Danushka Wanduragala
Earl Ward
Carla Warner
David and Nancy Warner
Jeff and Linda Warner
Jeff and Mallory Warner
Jim and Nonie Warner
Dale and Jennifer Warner, Jr.
Warners’ Stellian
Mary Kay Washnieski
Nancy and Frank Washnieski
James and Deena Wassenberg
Amy and Christina Waters
Lance Watkins
Janet and Iain Webber
Elizabeth Weber
Mary Weddle
Wedge Community Co-op
Joseph Wehri
Steven and Carolyn Weiby
Scott Weide
Maryann Weidt
Roy Weigel
Mary Weiland
Bill Weinberg
JIll Weinberger
Gerald Weiner
Robert Weiner and Paula Leaf
Alan and Susan Weingarden
Suzanne Weinstein and Dan Levey
Lexi Weis
Roberta Weisel and Britton Robson
Carolyn Roby
Anne Wells
Emily Wells
Lorraine Wells
Randy and Judy Wells
Wren and David Wells
Mark Welna
Mary Welsh
Tricia Wendt
Alfonso Wenker
Tyler and Julie Wenkus
Erica Wenzinger
Bob and Mary Kay Werner
Tina Werni
Caleb Werth
Donna Werth
Connie Wesley
Jennifer West
Rahn Westby
Kerri Westenberg Sanchez and Rene Sanchez
Katie Westermeyer
Western National Insurance
Hugh Westgate
Karla Westpfahl
Renee Whalin
Paul Wharton
Pat Wheelock
White Pine
CJ White
Robert White
Therese White
Tyler White
Jeanne Whitehill
Beverly Whitehouse
Dr. Kathleen Whitley
Lynn M. Wiatrowski
Sunny Wicka
Heather Wickless
Dawn and Jeff Wieland
Robert and Tina Wieland
Deanna Wiener and James Tilsen
Andrew Wiersma
Lawrence Wiesner
Stephanie Wiggins
Jennifer Wightman
Fern Wilcox
Michael Wilcox
Steven Wilke
Grace Wilkinson
Rick and Jenny Willbanks
Earlene Williams
Emily Williams
Marcia Williams
Margaret Williams
Ric Williams and Lori McIntyre
Aaron Williamson
Philip Willkie
Hollie Wills
Shawn Willy
Alex and Marguerite Wilson
Beth Wilson
Jim Wilson
Mara Wilson
Ronald Wilson
Robert Wind
Susan and Drew Wineland
Kevin Winge and Kevin Shores
Michael Winikoff
Ralph Winkelmeyer
Linda Winsor and Andrew Prokop
Kay Winter
Jennifer Winterfeldt
Ruth Wipper
Henry and Marjory Withers
Spencer Wittich
Barbara Wold
Mike and Pam Wold
Geraldine and Virgil Wolf
Hugo and Agnes Wolf
Mary Jo and Mariann Wolf
Susan Wolf
Carol and Dan Wolfe
Barry Wolfish and Randi Winston
Dayna Wolhart
Holly Wolhart
Daniel Wolter
Womack Family Foundation
Jamie and Maria Wood
Woodbury BNI
Patrick Woodring
Michelle Woodruff
Steven and Angel Woolery
Paul Wotruba
Jonathan Woutat
Jill and Michael Woxland
Wright County Area United Way
Traci Wuchter
Sharon and Stephen Wurst
Bill and Julie Wyatt
Oswald and Jane Wyatt
Janet Yackle
Y’all Come Back Saloon
Betty Jane and Edmund Yaroch
Yoga Camp
Dan and Jane Youngberg
Mrs. Mir Youngquist-Thurow
Alice Yount
Jeremy and Christina Zaayer
Kevin Zabel
Kelly Zammas
Deborah L. Zanish and Daniel Danielson
Tony and Cynthia Zappa
Jamie Zarembinski
Stephanie Zawistowski
Kay L. Zeigler
Sue and Alvin Zelickson
John Zieba
Louise Ziegler
Ann Zierman
Betty and David Zilka
Peter Zimmerman
Ned Zimmerman-Bence
Joni Zisman
Leon Zobel and Warren Skallman
Loretta Zook-Stanley
Angela Zroker
Andrea Zuckman
Harvey Zuckman and Phil Oxman
Cynthia Zwicky
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Open Arms Response To Federal Funding Freeze

Our Arms Will Remain Open Dear Open Arms Community,  I am writing today with an update on the week’s events. As you know by now, late Monday night President Trump issued a federal funding pause via memo released by the Office of Management and

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Friends With Benefits by Chef Jorge Guzmán

Chef Jorge Guzmán’s Friends with Benefits Event Series To Benefit Open Arms Alongside The Aliveness Project and Help The House Foundation, Open Arms is beyond honored to be the one of the benefitting organizations of Chef Jorge Guzmán’s Friends with Benefits event series!  Event

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Rekindle The Joy Of Giving With The Open Arms Gift Catalog!

Just in time for the holiday season, Open Arms of Minnesota is thrilled to offer a new way to support our clients this holiday season! Inspired by the classic “Wish Books” of years past, we are proud to introduce the first-ever Open Arms Gift Catalog. We hope this new approach to supporting our clients rekindles the joy of giving, inspiring you to make a difference in the lives of those we serve through our meals.

Open Arms of Minnesota Earns Accreditation from Food Is Medicine Coalition

Open Arms of Minnesota, the Twin Cities-based non-profit dedicated to providing nourishing, medically tailored meals to individuals with critical illnesses, has earned accreditation from the Food Is Medicine Coalition (FIMC). This recognition places Open Arms among an elite group of organizations nationwide that have demonstrated a high standard of care in delivering medically tailored meals (MTM).

End Of Year Giving Graphic

Your Gift Will Help Us Serve More Clients!

Together we can continue to meet the increased demand for medically tailored meals with your support! We hope you think of us as you consider your year-end giving. Your donation is a gift of care, compassion, and encouragement!