Posted on 4.24.2012
Enjoy soup and bread while supporting a worthwhile cause!
Please join us for a modest bowl of soup to help raise awareness and funds for those in need! Everyone who comes will be able to select a handmade bowl for a donation of $10. All proceeds from the bowls will be donated to Open Arms Minnesota.
Sunday, April 29, 2012
4 – 8 p.m.
Rauenhorst Ballroom, located on 3rd Floor of the Catherine de Coeur building on the campus of St. Catherine University
2004 Randolph Ave
St. Paul, MN 55105
For any questions email at [email protected].

Hebert Welles Testifies Before Minnesota Legislature
Open Arms CEO Leah Hebert Welles Testifies before Minnesota Legislature on behalf of the Senior Meals and Services Coalition On Wednesday, March 12, Open Arms CEO, Leah Hebert Welles, joined Dawn Simonson of Trellis and Jeff Wyant of Semcac in testifying before the Minnesota