Posted on 11.5.12
Since some our clients have gluten restrictions, we try to offer them gluten-free breakfast options in their deliveries. Our supply of gluten-free cereal is running low — could you help us replenish it?
Here are some suggestions for finding gluten-free cereal at the supermarket:
– Most varieties of Chex are gluten-free. If they are, the front of the box will say “Gluten Free” in big text.
– There is a gluten-free version of Rice Krispies, which will also have a large label on the box. Note: regular Rice Krispies are not gluten-free.
– Organic food sections of grocery stores usually have a few gluten-free cereals from a variety of brands. Bob’s Red Mill is a popular option.
Many thanks for your help! Contact our dietitian Gwen if you have any questions.
Inclement Weather Update | March 5, 2025
Kitchen and Delivery Shifts Cancelled Due To Weather March 5, 2025 – Due to the weather conditions in the Twin Cities metro today, Open Arms of Minnesota has cancelled all kitchen and delivery shifts for the safety of our community.