Open Arms of Minnesota


Nutrition At Open Arms

Sam Nutrition

At Open Arms, we go above and beyond to deliver a unique blend of nutrition and compassion. Our registered dietitians collaborate with our skilled chefs to curate medically tailored menus that prioritize freshness over processed ingredients. Open Arms serves individuals with HIV/AIDS, Cancer, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), Multiple Sclerosis (MS), End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD), Congestive Heart Failure (CHF), and/or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) — all at no cost to the client. 

Please feel free to explore our Nutrition Fact Sheets below. If you have a question about our meals or want to schedule a one-on-one call, please contact the Open Arms Nutrition Team at [email protected].

Nutrition Fact Sheets


We need your support! Open Arms has been nominated in the MINNESOTA FUN > PLACE TO VOLUNTEER category in Minnesota’s Best annual best-of contest—and we’d love your vote! Vote daily through March 12 and let’s show everyone why Open Arms is the best place to make a difference.


When life feels overwhelming, there’s one thing we can control: showing care, love, and compassion to one another. This February, Give from the Heart in honor or memory of someone special. Your gift will provide life-saving medically tailored meals and nutrition counseling to someone facing a critical illness. We’ll send a heartfelt card to your honoree or their family, sharing your loving tribute.

Open Arms of Minnesota Earns Accreditation from Food Is Medicine Coalition

Open Arms of Minnesota, the Twin Cities-based non-profit dedicated to providing nourishing, medically tailored meals to individuals with critical illnesses, has earned accreditation from the Food Is Medicine Coalition (FIMC). This recognition places Open Arms among an elite group of organizations nationwide that have demonstrated a high standard of care in delivering medically tailored meals (MTM).

End Of Year Giving Graphic

Your Gift Will Help Us Serve More Clients!

Together we can continue to meet the increased demand for medically tailored meals with your support! We hope you think of us as you consider your year-end giving. Your donation is a gift of care, compassion, and encouragement!