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February 6, 2025 UPDATE
Due to changes in state and federal funding, we are unable to accept most new clients at this time, other than select exceptions based on our existing funding sources and contracts. The Trump administration’s executive order freezing all federal grants and contracts and the continued uncertainty, as well as overall funding reductions for HIV services and older Americans (senior nutrition), have led to an immediate reduction in our capacity to serve clients. This is a rapidly changing situation, and we are doing our best to respond to the current funding realities, and to be prepared for what we assume will be additional cuts or delays in funding in the future.
Please contact our client services department if you have questions about which clients we are currently able to accept. Clients that we can not accept at this time can be put on a waiting list and will be contacted once we are able to once again take new clients. We anticipate this pause in intakes will last through March, 2025.
Please stay tuned to this site for regular updates. Thank you for your patience.

What We Offer
Tailored Meals
Home Deliveries
Care for
Clients & FAmiLy
Community of Kindness & Love
These meals are making a huge difference for us. Not having to prepare, research ingredients, serve, wash dishes and clean up after meals has given us more time to spend together. We now have time to sit outside every day and to play a few games of cribbage on our porch. We are breathing easier and relaxing more. I can't thank you enough!
caregiver for a client with cancer & CHF