Open Arms of Minnesota

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Today's Construction Progress

Above, the dish room starts to take shape, and the kitchen equipment is falling into place. It’s starting to amaze me at how much they accomplish each day. If you

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We've got a full house

If there was any doubt that we have a full building, this morning made that point clear. All of our tables, floor space, and even desks had delivery bags piled

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Not Open Arms – Yet

I’ve been struggling with what I call the new property – building – etc. It’s such a great space. Warm, welcoming, open, and so useable. But it won’t be Open

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First Kitchen Equipment Arrives

The first pieces of kitchen equipment have arrived at the 2500 Bloomington site. It will take several weeks to get it all installed, but it’s another step closer to having

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tile and grout

A few of us get to go into the new building pretty often, but it still is amazing how much progress they make each day! The quarry tile has been

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Today at Open Arms

We’re a busy place! Lots of volunteers delivering extra meals, others getting the turkey ready for tomorrow. And we’ve had many delivering whole, organic turkeys to clients who have the

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Plants and a Fence!

It’s looking more and more like ‘home’ every day. We’ve got stripes on our parking lot, trees and shrubs around the edges, and a new fence! They are also working

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A Peek Inside!

There continues to be a lot of progress – we’re trying to get the outside wrapped up before it gets too much colder, and also getting the windows and doors

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End Of Year Giving Graphic

Your Gift Will Help Us Serve More Clients!

Together we can continue to meet the increased demand for medically tailored meals with your support! We hope you think of us as you consider your year-end giving. Your donation is a gift of care, compassion, and encouragement!