Posted on July 26, 2012
Dear Friends of Open Arms,
In May 2011, the Minnesota State Legislature voted to put a constitutional amendment on the 2012 ballot in Minnesota that will read: “Shall the Minnesota Constitution be amended to provide that only a union of one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as marriage in Minnesota?”
The Open Arms board has voted to oppose this amendment and to join the Minnesotans United for All Families Coalition. While Open Arms does not generally take a public stance on such issues, we believe the proposed legislation calls for action.
The board’s decision is based on our mission and on our legacy of social justice. Since the delivery of our first meal 1986, Open Arms has upheld a belief that it is our responsibility to create an inclusive community that honors the dignity of every individual. We believe the proposed amendment violates individual civil rights and promotes discrimination by denying the recognition of equal family rights for Minnesota’s same sex couples.
Thank you for your support as we continue to live out our values of connectedness, responsibility and hope. We are stronger as an organization and a community when we embrace diversity.
Tim Meyer
Board President
Friends With Benefits by Chef Jorge Guzmán
Chef Jorge Guzmán’s Friends with Benefits Event Series To Benefit Open Arms Alongside The Aliveness Project and Help The House Foundation, Open Arms is beyond honored to be the one of the benefitting organizations of Chef Jorge Guzmán’s Friends with Benefits event series! Event