Posted on 3.20.2012
Prairie Oaks Institute’s Living and Learning With the Land Series presents:
Extending the Growing Season the Open Farms Way
Presented by Ben Penner, Open Arms’ Farm Director
Come learn about ways to extend the growing season (like hoop houses or low tunnels) the way it’s being done at Open Farms. Weather permitting, Ben will provide a tour of the garden and you’ll get a chance to do some hands-on planting!
7-8 p.m.
Thursday, April 12
1200 W. South Street, Belle Plaine (“Harvest House” at Prairie Oaks Institute)
Free, donations accepted

Vote For Open Arms!
Vote for Open Arms as Minnesota’s Best Place to Volunteer! We need your support! Open Arms of Minnesota has been nominated in the MN Fun > Place To Volunteer category in Minnesota’s Best annual best-of contest—and we’d love your vote! Our incredible volunteers are the