Posted on 11.5.12
Thanksgiving is the perfect time to volunteer at Open Arms — there’s so much going on! Gather your friends and family, volunteer your time in the week leading up to the holiday, and help spread the joy and comfort of good food to those in need.
We have a number of special volunteer shifts coming up. Here’s an overview of the opportunities available:
Since we do not deliver regular meals on Thursday or Friday of Thanksgiving week, we need extra drivers to complete these deliveries earlier in the week.
Available Shifts:
Wednesday, November 21, 11-2 p.m. (1 driver needed)
Contact Pete if you can take a route.
Serve as a second receptionist and assist clients who come here to pick up their frozen turkey with all the fixings. Must be able to lift 30 pounds.
Available shifts:
Tuesday November 20, 1-5 p.m.
Contact Ellen if you can take a shift.

Vote For Open Arms!
Vote for Open Arms as Minnesota’s Best Place to Volunteer! We need your support! Open Arms of Minnesota has been nominated in the MN Fun > Place To Volunteer category in Minnesota’s Best annual best-of contest—and we’d love your vote! Our incredible volunteers are the